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Showing posts from December 21, 2016

Sleep Your Way to Good Health

Sleep is the most underestimated activity. Most of us see sleep only as a means to rest and would easily give up sleep in order to stretch our day.  In fact sleep is vital in achieving good health. Understanding the importance of sleep, LifeScience Center for Health and Wellness introduces its signature Sleep Analysis and Consultation. The analysis and consultation is geared towards helping individuals sleep their way to good health. "Most of us take sleep for granted and don't fully realize how sleep impacts our well-being," says Dr. Denise Lavilles of LifeScience Center for Health and Wellness. "Beyond getting our body to rest and regain physical strength, quality sleep supports mental and physical health, and affects quality of life. How we feel and perform throughout the day is affected by how well we slept. It is during sleep when our body is working to support vital functions of the brain and organs. Sleep also helps our cells regenerate,"...