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Showing posts with the label Freebies Discount

Goldilocks Junior Fun Club ( Perks,Freebies and Discounts)

Kids will be Kids and they won't stay like that forever. That's why I would like Chelsea to experience and enjoy her time being a kid. That's why I allowed her to be part of the Goldilocks JUNIOR CLUB!  OK! She's really excited to know all about it when we arrived home For  Php 99.00 you will be able to get all these Goldilocks Goodies DYC KIT JUNIOR CLUB CARD TOY GOLDILOCKS CARAMEL POPCORN Chelsea is so excited to decorate her Goldilocks Mamon Cake Hooray!! She did a great job decorating her Mamon Cake by herself With Goldilocks Junior Club Card,Chelsea can enjoy  Discounts, Perks and Freebies DYC KIT DISCOUNT   10% OFF when you buy a DYC Kit It is one of the awesome activity for kids and friends. It's the perfect bonding moment for the family. TOUR PASS - Your kids can come and visit the Cake City That's going to be a really fun and exciting moment for our kids,To see upclose and personal all their f...