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Showing posts with the label Food Magazine

Cook Magazine Celebrates It's 16th Anniversary at Houze Manila

Hello lovlies,for sure most of you knows that I love to cook and eat thats why I love  reading cookbooks,cook magazine or any newspaper that have food ,recipes,restaurant reviews. One of the magazine that I always make sure to read is the Cook Magazine. So I was really excited when I was invited in the Cook Magazine Anniversary held at the  House Manila Cook Magazine celebrates Its 16th Year with an Enchanting Evening The country's longest running monthly food publication, Cook Magazine recently celebrated it's 16th year with an evening of merriment, entertainment and prizes. Led by Cook Magazine Advertising Manager Marlon Aldenese and his team, the yearly party dubbed "Holiday Bash" was again a coming together of advertisers, subscribers, contributors, chefs and friends - everyone who has made Cook what it is today. The event also served as an opportunity to launch Cook's new baby for 2017 - the Business Mirror Cook Saturday Edit...