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Showing posts with the label B2B Company

LG Electronics Appoints New Executives to Enhance Competitiveness

LG Electronics (LG) the global leader and technology innovator in consumer electronics, mobile communications, and home appliances appoints new executives to lead the Mobile Communications Company, Chief Technology Office, and Global Marketing Center as part of its sweeping realignment to better address the challenges ahead. It also named the establishment of the new B2B Company, to expand upon its successful commercial operations and to consolidate existing business-to-business functions across various LG Electronics divisions. Hwang Jeong-hwan has been named the president and CEO of the LG Mobile Communications Company while current president Juno Cho takes on a new role within LG’s parent company. Mr. Hwang, who has years of experience in R&D, was closely involved in developing one of LG’s first smartphones in 2009 as head of the CTO’s Multimedia R&D Lab. Dr. Park Il-pyung, head of LG’s Software Center, will take on the role of Chief Technology Officer with ...