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Showing posts with the label Well-Being

Understanding mental health and your overall well-being

  With almost half of our year being spent at home due to quarantine, staying positive, and avoiding depression is not easy, with our country being one of the highest rates of depression in Southeast Asia even before the COVID-19 pandemic began, with more than three million Filipinos afflicted with the illness.  Health experts say that anxiety, depression, and insomnia have become more prevalent among Filipinos in the past seven months since the pandemic began.  Based on the PhilCare CQ Study, which was conducted during the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) period, 95.9 percent of Filipinos surveyed were worried about the health of their loved ones. Furthermore, nine out of ten respondents (89.9%) were “anxious about getting COVID-19.” Half of the 800 people nationwide who were surveyed (49.1%) also reported that their sleeping habits had "gone bad.” Practically half (45.5%) also said that they were having difficulty concentrating on daily tasks.  Worsening situati...