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Showing posts with the label Celebrity Dad

Sweet & Strong Red Ribbon Dads: Paul, Doug, and Drew talk about fatherhood during quarantine

It doesn’t come as a surprise that many people rely on the strength of their fathers as the heads of the family.  Some fathers may be goofy, and some may be quiet, but one thing is for sure – dads have that natural ability to bring out the warmest smiles and unyielding courage in everybody within the family. And as we navigate through this trying time, we see our dads carrying on and exhibiting incomparable strength. While their guidance has allowed everyone to remain safe, their sweetness and lighthearted humor have kept the family hopeful and optimistic. This situation is no different for our Red Ribbon dad ambassadors, Doug Kramer, Paul Soriano and Drew Arellano, who by their time spent indoors allowed them to cement their position as the steadfast pillars of their families, all while keeping a cheerful and cared-for household. Doug Kramer has been spending much of his time as a parent recently, with him retiring from PBA November 2019, and his kids home-schooling fo...