Is it ok for us parents to be overprotective to our kids? Being protective of your is a child is natural for parents especially for mother's. But I've read that being too overprotected can cause more harm to the child, it increases the child anxiety when they are not allowed to overcome their fear. Honestly, I'm one of the so-called "helicopter mom", I really pay close attention to my children, their problems, emotion, and experiences. I usually say " No" to the things or situation that they might get hurt emotionally and physically. I'm not allowing them to face their fear, learn and enjoy what usually kids love to do. With this being said, I noticed my daughter becoming a little bit aloof and unexpressive when it comes to her emotions and that is the reason that I allowed her to learn things on her own way with proper guidance, and that really turned things around. Like children, parents also should learn to say Yes and Let Go! This is w
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