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Showing posts from August 28, 2018

7 Health Risks Of Video Games And What You Can Do

Love them or hate them, video games are a part of our lives. There’s a lot of conflicting information on the effects of video games on health. Studies link it to eye strain, obesity, and even seizures. While neurological and psychological testing suggests that certain types of games can increase neuroplasticity, promote hand eye coordination, and even treat trauma. However, too much of a good thing is almost always bad for you. Between your phone, your work computer, and electronics at home, there’s always a screen available, and that can take its toll. Kids and adolescents are uniquely susceptible to video game addiction, but if you’re finding yourself spending hours in front of a screen, there are a few things you should watch out for. 1. Eye Strain Eye strain is an ongoing problem with our addiction to screens. It has even been given a name in the medical profession: Computer Vision Syndrome , or CVS. CVS is caused by the burden placed on our eyes from being in front of a ...