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Showing posts from October 6, 2020

Sharp Plasmacluster Ion Technology in Reducing Airborne Novel Coronavirus Disease (SARS-CoV-2)

With Covid-19 affecting everyone globally, every one of us worries about the safety of our loved ones. With all the safety precautions that we have been following, from social distancing, frequent hand-washing, wearing masks, and using alcohol to disinfect, we can never be too sure that we are already safe from the virus. One of the things that my husband and I are trying to consider is buying an air purifier to improve the air quality at our home and further help in protecting our family against airborne viruses and bacteria. With this in mind, we've known about Plasmacluster Ion Technology from Sharp and how it further helps in keeping homes safe against airborne threats, and this got us interested. Sharp Philippines Corporation (SPC), with its goal of bringing convenience, protection, and lifestyle evolution to every Filipino household, recently launched its campaign “Stay Home, Stay Sharp”. It features products that are designed for the new normal setting — and one of its key f...