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Showing posts with the label Growing Up MIlk

Worry Free Parenting with the Limited Edition Friso Watch

Are you the kind of parent that can't concentrate when your child is in school or in other places? Being over protective has a positive and negative impact in our child developmental and growth. Me, as a mother of a 5 years old who already started going to school I'm always worried about her safety. Most of the time I become over protective to her, which I think is normal for all moms out there especially we read and hear a lot of negative events in the news. Kids nowadays love to explore and discover new things on their own, but as mothers, we also wanted to make sure that they will be responsible for their actions at an early age. Allowing them to play outside is one of the best things during childhood. Making new friends and playing with them will enhance their social ability. Worrying has always been a part of being a parent, we are afraid that our kids may get hurt or lost.  Now we can now breathe and leave all the worries. We can let our kids play and enjo...