Did you know that green grapes are the ones commonly used for raisins? Who doesn’t love raisins? These sweet and juicy treats can make everything better, whether embedded in creamy loaves of bread or eaten on their own. But did you know that raisins were actually discovered by accident? History reveals that the first raisins were discovered back in 2000 BC when grapes were accidentaly left to dry in the sun. Ever since then, early civilizations have popularized the use of grapes in its dried form. Nowadays, raisins are something that are enjoyed by everyone. Especially for people wanting to live a healthy lifestyle, raisins are good sources of nutrients while also being delicious and filling. But there is more to this food than what we think. For example, did you know that the most commonly used grapes for raisins are the Thompson Green Grapes? About Thompson Grapes Contrary to popular belief that most raisins are made from red grapes, Thompson grapes ranks ...
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