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Showing posts with the label Trip To Maldives

Here’s Your Chance to Win A Trip To Maldives

Walk into any Nailaholics branch and you are immediately ushered into a different world. The world quiets down, even for just a few hours, as you settle into the canopied seats. The gentle buzz behind its doors are reminiscent of the placid flurry typicaly found in beachside destinations. The colors evoke the calm of being beside the ocean. Now, stepping inside a Nailaholics branch doesn’t just welcome you into a world of pampering, you’re actually taking your first step towards the Maldives; a destination recognized as this year’s best spa destination by industry, known for its clear, cobalt waters, hugged by a stretches of fine, delicate sand. “Perhaps no other coastal destination has been so closely associated with the concept of relaxation,” says Glaiza Agbayani, Digital Manager  “This is why we chose Maldives as the perfect holiday treat for our loyal customers.”  From November 10 to January 27 ,Here’s Your Chance to Win A Trip To Maldives , availing of any...