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Showing posts with the label Tech Summit 2018

Hack To The Future Tech Summit 2018

My Phone, the first and leading Filipino mobile phone brand in the Philippines celebrates its 10th Anniversary by organizing a two-day Tech Summit entitled Hack to the Future 2018 in collaboration with Brown&Proud and Bbulletin  held last  March 23 to 24, 2018 at GREENSUN, Makati DJ Chacha and Inyi Yruma, My Phone Head of Marketing as host during the day 2 of HTTF Tech Summit It is poised to be " the most disruptive Tech Summit event" of the year, gathering speakers from the different branches of technology, focusing on the latest tech trends in digital and social media, Technopreneurship, and brand innovation that aims to help Filipinos build a better Philippines in the future. It featured various speakers, workshops, and exhibits that enriched everyone's knowledge about technology today. The First day of the Tech summit was attended by the students from STI and other schools. The second-day brought together attendees from ba...