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Showing posts from October 12, 2017

Festival Mall Supports the Breast Cancer Awareness Month with Pink October

October, the month that adds another year to my life, most of my relatives are also born on this month. Every year, the calendar page is almost full on this month due to the events that I need to be reminded of, but one of the important thing that it represents is the Breast Cancer Awareness. Breast Cancer is the 2nd cause of Death in most women.In the recent study, Philippines has the highest rate for Breast Cancer in Asian Country. Its very alarming that 39.4 percent of the breast cancer patients were being diagnosed only at the late stages of illness. As a woman, we need to be more aware of Breast Cancer by educating ourselves about the breast cancer Symptoms and the treatment for it. October is the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, this is an annual health campaign by organization, charities, companies, and individual to increase awareness about Breast Cancer. Festival Mall annually supports the Breast cancer Awareness campaign called Pink October.They help promote...