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Showing posts with the label Father's Day

Celebrate Father's Day in 63 SM Supermall Nationwide #DADventuresAtSM

It's time again to honor all those loving and supportive dads in the world. June 18 is the day to celebrate and show our appreciation to the man behind our existence. There are different kinds of dads, some are really showy, loving, serious and strict but one thing is for sure, this important man in our life really treasure us. Are you still thinking where to bring your dad, tatay or ama on his special day? SM Supermall will be celebrating Dad's Day in 62 malls nationwide. You can bring your whole family and have a grand Father's Day celebration through DADventures at SM. Because SM really admires all the Dads. SM launch a prescon to meet the #IdolDADS squad Patrick Garcia   Spanish-Filipino actor and a loving father to his 3 children. Ronald Llaneta   A roving guard at SMDC Jazz Mall Makati who returned almost Php 500,000.00 cash without asking anything in return. He refused to accept the rewards.Now he is One of the #SMHeroes Apollo  ...