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Showing posts with the label Christmas Gift

Get an Ultimate Stylish Hair with NOVUHAIR and Holiday Bash Promo

Preparing gifts for our loved ones can be a bit stressful and yet fulfilling. Once we wrapped our gifts for our family, relatives, and friends the first thing that we have in mind is if it is the best gift for them.  This can be the hardest part in the quest on finding that best gift so on my experience, I usually get them something that they can use in their daily routines and something that they can remember me. So this Christmas why not give them something that will make their crowning glory more beautiful and healthy and that is something that they can cherish. Opt for the best with this Christmas and Year-End promo. Whether it’s a luxury gift for your loved ones or a self-indulgent treat for you. The fresh out of the shower look can be seductive yet temporary. Blame it on the tropical climate, it can spoil your appearance, besides making you feel sweaty and stale. The heat and humidity brought about by extreme weather condition, likewise, dries out the lock...

A Box of Sweetness from TryingHard Minimalist Mom #MBPGiftSwap

Christmas is one of my favorite holiday of the year. For me it is the most wonderful time of the year in which it also has the longest preparation for every celebrations each year and most anticipated as well. But behind all the celebration, Christmas is the season of giving and sharing. Every Christmas I only wished for one thing, and that is for our family to be complete and We can eat Noche Buena together which is very rare to happen. My husband works even on holidays and his work schedules is very unpredictable but we always ensure that before he goes to work on Christmas eve, we already have celebrated it together. This year, I am very thankful for all the opportunities and blessings that I have received and for all the people that I met and became my friends. Last week, a package addressed to my name arrived in my mom's address. I was so excited to open it, and to know who it came from, when I took the package, my heart fluttered and filled with joy to k...