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Showing posts with the label Pregnancy

SM Cares holds a musical event for expecting mothers

Mama’s Lullaby, A Musical Event for Expecting Mothers The gift of life should always be celebrated and cherished, all woman should be aware that every pregnancy is a gift that should be treated with care, we should know the importance of pregnancy and how will it affect the development of the child during this stage. However, awareness of the importance of pregnancy is not something that is available for everyone, that is the reason why a lot of effort is being put by the government and NGO's to make sure that every expected mother will be aware of the importance of taking care of themselves while on pregnancy. To promote the good health and well-being of mothers and their unborn child through safe pregnancy and delivery, the SM Cares Program on Women and Breastfeeding Mothers, hosted an event titled “Mama’s Lullaby, A Musical Event for Expecting Mothers” . This is in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal on good health and well-being. Held ...

PROMAMA® unveils Baby’s First Gift to You

If there is one gift that any woman would definitely cherish, then that would be the gift of motherhood. Not everyone has the opportunity to experience this so it should be a reason why we should be thankful for it. Same reason why I was so excited to attend a recent event in Makati City last January 22, 2019, for the Wyeth® PROMAMA® unveiling the "Baby’s First Gift to You", an event that aims to provide expectant moms a gift like no other. An experience that allows her to see a real-time first gift ever from her baby. The Baby’s First Gift to you device detects the movement of the babies in the womb and translates it into an artwork. “Expectant moms would be surprised to know that the baby’s brain is up to 25 percent developed already, by 28 weeks. By using the Baby’s First Gift technology, moms will be amazed by their baby’s development while in the womb since they will see how their baby’s movement can create artworks, uniquely created just for them,” said Ms. Jo...