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Showing posts from November 4, 2018

FWD Set for Tomorrow: Protection for the people we love

We're not going to be around forever to take care of our family and our loved-ones, so if there is someone that we can entrust them, it is better be someone who knows on how to take care of them the way we do. FWD Life Philippines, one of the country’s fastest-growing life insurers, has introduced a series of new protection plans that can be tailored to meet individual customer needs.  The FWD Set for Tomorrow is a financial protection for those you leave behind. “FWD’s Set for Tomorrow will provide protection for the people we love and care about. The coverage amount and period can be customized to any personal situation and budget. Our aim is to make real and substantial protection accessible to everyone,” said FWD Life Philippines President and Chief Executive Officer Peter Grimes. FWD Set for Tomorrow, the insurance product has three variants that address the different needs to take care of those left behind should the unexpected happen— Short Term Cover, Income ...