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Showing posts from October 9, 2016

Baguio Beans with Ground Pork and Beef

Sunday is always a special day for my family ,that's why I make sure to cook something yummy and new for them. When I was in HongKong,I always cook this dish using the Lee Kum Kee Premium Soy Sauce. Though ,Mike and I ate really a food lover , sometimes there are food that he really doesn't like to try or eat.Same thing with my daughter Chelsea. But still I like them to try foods that are expensive in some restaurant. At first,I'm hesitant to wake up Mike and taste it ,but to my surprise. .he likes it. He finished the whole plate even the Japanese silken tofu. Chelsea,said that she likes the ground beef " Hindi daw maanghang " hahaha! Its very rewarding for a mother like me,to see them eat the food I cooked for them and finished all of it. Sharing to you this recipe "Baguio Beans with Ground Pork and Beef" Ingredients : *2 medium size onion ( minced ) *6-7  garlic ( minced ) *2 pieces of red chilies ( remove se...