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Showing posts from August 27, 2018

Cetaphil Baby: The perfect product for babies gentle skin

Babies skin are really soft and delicate. That's why mother's like us should be careful with the product that we use for our  babies. Some babies become irritable and cranky because of some skin irritation. Maybe our babies look fine but their skin are not. Special Newborn Problems Increased tendency to injury  Increased in photosensitivity Increased  susceptibility to irritants Some parents are confused with products that are labeled " for babies" assuming that it is safe and non-toxic to use for babies. During the 5th day of #7Daysof Cetaphil I asked the doctor if its still safe to use a soap bar for babies and kids 0-5 years old since Chelsea also has sensitive skin. Dr. said that she thinks its still safe to use soap to babies if their skin is not sensitive but she advise that it's better to use the one that is safe and non-toxic baby gentle cleanser like Cetaphil Baby. Why not use soap? Skin has a normal pH of 5.5 - 6.5 and mo...

Benefits of eating healthy: Why kids should #EatLikeAPro

Some parents are having a hard time feeding their children healthy food. Sometimes I ask myself how can I continue to encourage my kids to eat healthy. To be honest, they are not picky with fruits but when it comes to vegetables, the kiddos are really picky. With the continous increase in number of obese and underweight children in the world, I think parents needs to be vigilant with the food that we give to our kids. In promoting healthy eating habits, Beko- the Official Partner of the Everyday, launched its Eat Like A Pro advocacy on the Philippines. This campaign aims to help parents feed their chikchil healthier food. This effort is in support of the company's current global initiative of inspiring and educating families , especially the young ones the importance of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Benefits of #EatLikeAPro Boost immune system The first step to have a strong immune system is nutrition, and a well-balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables offers diff...