Hi lovelies. How's your weekend? Today let's forget about food and travel since today we will be having some intimate talk, it's all about us, all about our reproductive health and wellness. Admit it or not but most of us women are embarrassed to talk about our reproductive, most of us even seldom visit our OB-GYNE. Aside from obtaining waxes for hygiene purposes, the concept of vaginal wellness has always taken backseat priority. As a woman, we need to realize that we need to find and make time for our well-being, especially their reproductive wellness.In this blog post you'll now more how you as a woman can take control of your health and satisfaction. As for my mommy readers have you ever noticed anything different after you gave birth? Did you experience passive urination, dryness, itchiness in your private part? Recently I had the opportunity to attend an Intimate talk with Dr. Annebelle D. Aherrera ...
Food & Parenting + Lifestyle