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Showing posts with the label Budgeting

7-Eleven Brings the Spirit of Bayanihan to its Customers

With #711Bayanihan, you can now shop for your home and personal essentials at a more affordable price at your nearest 7-Eleven   With its convenience and accessibility, 7-Eleven has always been there for communities as a reliable source of essentials or quick delicious meals no matter the circumstance. Now with the pandemic shifting the public’s shopping patterns and daily movement, 7-Eleven continues to serve its customers through the spirit of bayanihan.  Last December, 7-Eleven brought a superior shopping experience to Filipinos through Bayanihan Savings and Selections (#711Bayanihan), a campaign that advocates for easier and more affordable grocery shopping for everyone. This means that you can now complete your groceries at your neighborhood’s 7-Eleven store, minus the commute and long lines at the supermarkets but with even bigger savings. “Our Bayanihan Savings and Selections initiative comes at a time when convenience and affordability are crucial to our customer...