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Showing posts with the label Work

Henry Sy Foundation promotes inclusive education

  Revitalizing the Philippine School for the Deaf Philippine School for the Deaf (PSD) hand signs a gratitude message to Henry Sy Foundation (HSF), Department of Education, and Pasay Local Government after they collaborated for the revitalization of the 12-room laboratory building of Senior High School students. The Philippines’ Magna Carta for Disabled Persons ensures the rehabilitation, self-development, and self-reliance of persons with disabilities. The country provides educational assistance to people with disabilities from primary to tertiary education, including vocational or technical training. One such school is the Philippine School for the Deaf (PSD) in Pasay City. For over a century, the school had demonstrated the transformative power of education in empowering and unlocking the capabilities of those with diverse disabilities to live fulfilling lives. Though standing as a testament to the Philippines' long-standing commitment to differently-abled education, the school,

PiTaKa program helps OFW achieve their financial goal

Working abroad is not like taking a vacation out of the country and earn money. It may seem an easy way for you to help your family, but a lot of our Kababayans spend years or decades to save and send money back to their loved ones. As a former OFW, one of the goals that we have is to give our family a better life, give them the things we can't afford, and paint our children's smiles with chocolates. With that mindset, we tend to send them whatever we can, up to the point that there is nothing left for us, and that should not be the case. You don't want to work until you've had enough, you need to set goals, save money and prepare for the future of your family, giving them the things that they wanted is not bad but don't spoil them, your family needs you, more than the toys, fancy clothes and chocolates in the Balikbayan Box. Your return is what they will be anticipating most, so you can spend time and enjoy what you've hardly earned abroad with them.

Common Health Risks for People who works in BPO Companies

I started working in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry way back 2007. Being a college undergraduate, I had to support my family and BPO had been my only hope. I worked as a Senior Account Representative in one of the biggest telecommunication company here in the Philippines but the income will not suffice my family’s daily needs. I must say that BPO had been a great help for me and my family. Working in a BPO will definitely help you financially. In return, you will have a lot to sacrifice. You will have sleep deprivation since you will be working at night most of the time (graveyard shifts). You will not even notice the date, as most of the accounts you will be working for have different time zones. You will turn to foods, (comfort foods) when you are burned and stressed out. You will have less and less time to exercise. As a result, many call center employees are obese. Common Health Risk  Obesity Diabetes Carpal Tunnel  Syndrome  Bone Loss Ulcer Anem