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Showing posts from November 17, 2019

The Kitchen Mom's 4th Anniversary and Giveaway

We are Turning 4 this year! At first , I decided to start writing on my blog to put my recipe or just to post my mommy adventures. But as day goes by I noticed that there are people who liked reading and visiting my blog. Of course, I was really happy that time, I didn't think that sharing my thoughts and my hobby will help  and inspire people especially mommies. There was a time that I decided to stop blogging and just focus on being a stay at home mom but reading the comments and private messages from mommies makes me decides to continue sharing what I have, what I've  learned as a mom, as a wife, and as a person who also have flaws. That's why I've decided to give back to the community of mothers who has been very supportive since day 1. I decided to have an intimate bonding moment with my mommy readers and followers this coming December. It' s going to be an afternoon of fun, food, drinks, talks and raffle prizes. There are also people and ...