If you are just getting acquainted with the room in your house in which you can prepare food, the first thing you should know is that it is called a kitchen. Did you know this one? Of course, I know you did. But, I would so like to hear different suggestions for the name. “Food burner? That thingy that feeds you?” If you have a creative solution, please, DO share it. But, let’s stop kidding around for a short while. At least as long as it takes us to learn some basics. I don’t know about you, but as a beginner in the world of cooking, I wouldn’t want to burn my kitchen down on the first try. I don’t know what would be worse – the fact that I no longer own a kitchen, or all the teasing and laughing I’d get from my friends and family. I would have to move to a different country to avoid their comments. Therefore, when starting out on this adventure, do it carefully and cautiously. But, also, give yourself some freedom
Food & Parenting + Lifestyle