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Showing posts from February 15, 2017

Love and Protect Your Hair with NOVUHAIR

Our hair also needs attention and love. Its the crowning glory of every women. We should know how to properly protect it to make it more healthy and beautiful. At times when people sees us too stressed out either at work or going through our personal lives, We would be advised to calm down and “Let our hair down”, this idiom’s meaning is to allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and enjoy yourself. To give us much more reason to be carefree, we must be confident on how we look and feel. Take time to take care of your appearance and take extra attention to your hair. Hair is considered as our crowning glory, hence, it is pertinent that we start with it. Here are a few tips in maintaining a healthy hair. • Observe good hygiene all the time – regularly wash your hair to remove dirt and grimes. • Be extra careful whenever combing your wet hai r – your hair is vulnerable to breakage during this period. • Use towel to dry off your hair after shower – Using ha...