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Showing posts with the label Humanity & Inclusion

FWD and non-profit Humanity & Inclusion to help hundreds of young people with disabilities in Asia

As the saying goes, "abilities outweigh disabilities". All of us deserves equal opportunities in life with no discrimination of what we cannot do. That same reason made Pan-Asian insurer FWD and non-profit Humanity & Inclusion to help hundreds of young people with disabilities in Asia find employment. Last October 17, 2018, Century Mall, Makati City. FWD Life Insurance , the most exciting insurance brand in the country, together with its partner Humanity & Inclusion (formerly known as Handicap International), an independent international aid organization), celebrated the beginning of the Forward Together project, helping young people with disabilities find employment opportunities in the Philippines and beyond. The event's goal is not only focusing on giving help on employment for people with disabilities but equally treating them as well, whatever the capabilities they may or may lack. this can also give them a chance to live a normal life,  we also help...