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Showing posts with the label KungPao

My own version of Kung Pao using Clara OLe Kung Pao Pasta Sauce

In this dish I use Clara Ole Kung Pao Pasta Sauce  guys.. One thing I like about Clara Ole Sauces ,there is no MSG..  This is a very simple and easy to prepare dish. Preparation Time : 20 minutes Cooking time :  15 minutes Cost : Php :118.00 Serving : Good for 6 person     Ingredients : 1. 1 pc. of Chicken Breast ( Cut into cubes ) 2. 1 pc. of Red.Onion ( chopped )  3. 5 pcs. of red chillies       * you can adjust the amount of red chillies. If you don't want it to be too spicy you can just put 2 pcs. of it. 4. 1  Whole Sweet Corn 5. 2 cups of String Beans 6.  Clara Ole KUNG Pao Pasta Sauce     PROCEDURE : 1 .  You have to marinate the chicken.Add  2tbsp of Kikoman Soysauce, 1/2 tsp of Brown sugar, 1 1/2 tsp of Cornstarch, 1 tsp of sesame oil, a dash of salt and pepper.Marinate it for 15 minutes. 2. Heat pan ,add 1 tsp of olive oil. Saute onion and re...