The internet is a wonderful place for information, entertainment, and social networking for kids and adults alike. But with the proliferation of fake news, explicit content, and cyber bullying, it’s not a very safe space, even for adults. The web is an even more dangerous place for children in low-income countries like the Philippines where access to low-cost internet and mobile devices is widespread and parental control and adult supervision is lax due to various socio-economic factors. In fact, the country is considered one of the world’s top hot spots for online child sexual exploitation among 10-14 year-olds. This is the situation that has prompted Terre de Hommes-Netherlands, an international non-governmental organization advocating and working for the prevention of child exploitation in 17 countries including the Philippines, to develop a revolutionary new digital app that’s totally safe and secure for young users including children. Called Voice for Change, the app was co-crea...
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