With the climate that we have on our country, more and more Filipinos are exposed to certain skin problems, especially most of us are always exposed to the sun in our everyday activities. most common of these skin problems are acne and melasma. Melasma was among the top ten reasons for seeking consultation at the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine and among the top ten diseases at the Dermatology Outpatient Department of the Ospital ng Manila Medical Center (OMMC), the 2004 to 2008 census in the respective hospitals showed According to American Academy of Dermatology: Melasma (muh-LAZ-muh) is a common skin problem. It causes brown to gray-brown patches, usually on the face. Most people get it on their cheeks, bridge of their nose, forehead, chin, and above their upper lip. It also can appear on other parts of the body that get lots of sun exposure, such as the forearms and neck. No one wants to experience any skin problems and that is why more Filipinos ...
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