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Showing posts with the label Tips

How we rebuild everything from scratch

There are certain events in life that come unexpectedly that sometimes even if we have been so prepared, we are still caught off guard, and it is always an ease of worries if you have a someone that you can count on. With this being said, it's always good to remember those people and places that stood with us during those tough times in our life. As they say, it is in those rough times that you’ll know who stays by your side as you rebuild everything from scratch. I'll be sharing to you one of the hardest life challenges that we've encountered. Few years back, a huge fire engulfed our home and burnt down everything to ashes. I can still clearly remember how it was like waking up from this nightmare. That time we are almost going to bed. I, my 1 year old son, my 12 yrs old cousin, my grandma and my great grandma was the only people that time in our house when the fire started. My grandma only took her small bag and small size envelope then we left our hous

Tips On Finding The Perfect Car For You

Sponsored Post Finding the right car is not as easy as picking a fruit from a tree, a lot of factors should be considered and at the same time a lot of great car dealers to choose from. I am here to give you tips on finding your perfect road partner. Proper research and comparison is the most important key to finding the perfect car. Decision making can be done once you have gathered enough information about the car that you will buy, like make, model, price, and purpose of the car that you will be purchasing. With this being said I have found that is the perfect resource that you can use in finding and getting that car that will suit your needs.Their website contains adequate information and everything you'll need in your search for the right car. One of the best things that I've seen is their car reviews, an unbiased and honest review of different car models, with very straightforward comments about the performance of each car being reviewed, this will

How To Survive The Rainy Season

Have you experienced being stranded in your office, company building, streets and inside your house because of heavy rain and flood?. This usually happen to those who work at BPO companies, hospitals, military, police force. That's why these people are often branded as "immortals” My husband works as a CSR, when almost every regular offices are suspended, they are still advised to go to work due to the fact that the customers whom they provide their services are often in the US.  Few days ago , when monsoon rains started hitting the country he still went to work even if there is flood and heavy rain . I was in surprise when he arrived the next day soaking wet even if he had brought an umbrella and jacket with him. That’s why we have these few tips and items to help us get by, during the rainy season 1. Pair of socks, T shirt, dry shorts and face towel -  so you can change and keep yourself dry and avoid catching cold Extra Undergarments and medicine -